Friday, February 18, 2011

Just call me Twitchy the Rat

I cannot believe the week is over.  I simply can't.  It felt like it never would be.  It felt like one big maze with no cheese at the end.

Speaking of mazes.... 

There are these shirts in the gift shop that say, "NIH" and have cute little lab rats on them...  I'm so making Andy get me one when I need a pick-me-up this week, and I think I will wear it on the plane ride home as an explanation of the weird post-op neck I'll be carrying around while Andy carries all the luggage.  So anyway, these shirts made me realize, that yes...  *I* am the metaphorical lab rat. 

So I was thinking of my role as a lab rat and finally it hit me--THAT is why I've been SO FREAKING LOST ALL WEEK LONG!!!  It's part of the research that they don't tell you about.  They keep you completely disoriented and finding obscure parts of the hospital all week long.  Like a RAT in a MAZE.  How did it take me so long to catch on to this?!!!  I am a lab rat.  But today...  I got some cheese. 

The tests are over.  My CT scan was cancelled today which means that really, my testing schedule was super light this week.  I ended up only having 2 MRIs, a PET scan, and a neck ultrasound.  I also had countless labs a fine needle aspiration and a trip across the street to the Naval Hospital for a ruptured ear drum thanks to my constantly impacted ears and the plane ride here.  So...  it wasn't a total piece of cake.

Fantastic news of the day:  We got the lab results form the fine needle aspiration and THAT bump at least is just a regular old nodule.  NO 'suspicious cells.'  It'll need surveillance, but I get to keep all of my Thyroid and the only thing we'll have to deal with Tuesday is Tomas.

In other news I'm Vitamin D Deficient.  Just like the rest of the state of Washington.

I met with my surgeon today and I really, really like him.  I also like that his first name is Electron.  Yes really.  I guess his father was an electrical engineer or something.  So THAT means that from here on out I can say that Tomas was "Electronically removed."  Get it?  Heeheehee.  He started out by asking me if I understood why the tumor needed to be removed and I rattled off, "Because it's a tumor and it will grow.  Because it could compromise important nerves.  Because depending on whether or not it is connected to a genetic mutation/where the cards fall it could be metastatic and in that case we'd want it out quick."  He acted impressed, but looked at me kind of funny and I totally missed the fact that he was joking when he said, "Ok then.  I guess you can also tell me the risks involved with the surgery."  I wasn't as clear on those, but ratteld off what I knew anyway, and he interupted me and clued me in on the joke part.  Luckily he forgave me for being a know-it-all.  Between that and me totally missing the fact that he'd reached out to shake my hand just as I'd gone to fasten the flap on my nursing bra, it's a wonder that I didn't stay beet red the whole time.  That he could put me at ease despite my faux pas was impressive.  ;)

We also had an anesthesia consult where they outlined the procedure for the anesthesia and gave me a better idea of what to expect next week.  It's a little overwhelming honestly.

I'll be admitted Monday.  I guess I'll have quite a few labs and pre-oppy things going on that day.  They'll come get me early Tuesday morning because I'm the first surgery on the schedule starting bright and early at 8 a.m.  The surgery should last 2-3 hours.  And they're going to paint my chest, neck, and part of my face orange with antisepticy stuff.  Andy promised to take pictures (If he does, I'll smack him). 

It was a gorgeous day here today.  70 degrees and sunny.  We took a walk around the campus here and sat in a courtyard enjoying the breeze for a while.  This weekend we hope to catch up with some friends and visit D.C. 

A Lainey update:  In the time that we've been here I've gone from saying that she's "2 and a half months old," to "She'll be three months old next Friday."  AND she's started meaningfully reaching for things.  I love it. 

So by this time next week, Lainey WILL be 3 months old, we'll be ready to be discharged, I'll have a wicked looking bandage on my neck, and Tomas will be divied up and given to different doctors for research purposes.  What a week it shall be.

P.S.  I was saving the blog Title, "Do these Scans Make My Tumor Look Big??" all week long and never got to use it....  *sigh*  What a waste!


  1. Thinking of you and praying for you and your family every day, Val. You are so strong and brave....*hugs*

  2. Love you, love you so much! Glad there is some good news despite the fact that you still have to have surgery. You always seem to find the light heartedness in a very trying/scary/difficult situation, that's why we all love you so much! Hang in there and know that we haven't stopped praying. Love ya Denise

  3. You always know how to lighten the situation...I believe you got that humor from your mom! Anyway, thanks for the update...been thinking of you a lot.

    ps. I have low vit. d too...guess IL and WA are the same...hang in there...

